martes, noviembre 21, 2006


Les regalo a todos los panamenos y amantes de Panama en el mundo este precioso video con el tema de la Cancion PATRIA de Ruben Blades. Es una bellisima forma de mostrar mi pais y d elo orgulloso que me siento de ser panameno...


  • WOW, That was very touching, specially for people like myself that are residing afar.

    Way to go Mauro...

    I still remember the computer project that you and I did together, well it was mostly you :).

    take care brother!

    Proud to be a Panamanian

    Yonel Morales!

    By Anonymous Anónimo, at 5:56 p. m.  

  • WOW, That was very touching, specially for people like myself that are residing afar.

    Way to go Mauro...

    I still remember the computer project that you and I did together, well it was mostly you :).

    take care brother!

    Proud to be a Panamanian

    Yonel Morales!

    By Anonymous Anónimo, at 5:57 p. m.  

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